we had a great thanksgiving. we spent it with dan's family in j-town. we ate a TON of delicious food, went to a movie, dan and i hit the black friday sales together, played some games, watched some football, went to the temple and took a few good naps. all in all, a great holiday. today we all have been hit too hard by the reality that the regular mundane must return and nova is wondering where all the people are to dote on her. what....am i not good enough anymore? apparently not.
previous to the thanksgiving holiday, we have enjoyed relatively good weather. we went on some drives, went to the park, dan's parents came for a visit, my parents came for a visit, my brother and sister-in-law and nephew came for a visit, canned some potato stew, diligently attended story time. amongst other thngs and have just really been busy apparently.
one highlight of the month is that we took nova to the discovery museum. that is a really fun place and nova had a complete blast. we went their and were able to have a PKU friendly breakfast, get current info on PKU, and then mingle with other families and adults who have children with PKU. it is always reassuring for me to go to events like this and see other people dealing with the things that i am. i leave feeling uplifted and encouraged every time they have a function like that.
and we'll end it there for now. here are some pics to share. tis the season right?
nova at the discovery museum. they have a little kids sized grocery store and nova filled her cart with bananas. ----side note: they have this section in the museum where everything is 'kid sized'. as nova was playing in the grocery store area, i thought to myself. 'self, i wish i was little, so i could do this (grocery shopping) too.' and then i thought to myself, 'self, you do get to do this (grocery shopping), and it isn't THAT fun.'......i guess everything seems more fun when it is fun-sized........
black friday: mission: hard drive---success!
ok, i know this is insanely late, but i was proud of my costume this year......
dan made a robot out of a diaper box for nova
bundled up for a brisk walk......dare we leave the baby and bear behind.....nay i say.
do i even need a caption for this pic? i love this girl!