easter cookies
easter egg hunt
our ward had an easter egg hunt at a golfland and we could mini golf for a discounted price. nova did pretty good--but when her ball went in the little river running through the course, she just jumped in. good thing she was wearing flip flops.
bunny ears that she made at the easter party with friends---they also decorated cupcakes, colored pictures and eggs--and i took zero pictures. nova had a blast
and although nova doesn't have spring break, some of her older friends do. which means, our friends plan fun things and we benefit from it! we went to the park this week a few times, went to happy hollow, and finished off the week with the beach and some sunburns. we had way to much fun at the beach for pictures, but needless to say, california is the right place for nova. she was in the water the entire time and has no fear of it. a lot of her friends like to just dig in the sand and run away from the waves. nova wants the "big waves", and then the "bigger waves." she was chasing after some friends when one of them stopped and bent over and she flipped over them and landed face first in the sand. i ran over and was trying to wipe her face off in the ocean and i told her to let me carry her to the towel and i would wipe off her face with some clean water. she just opened her eyes and said, "its ok! i can still see a little bit!" and off she ran to go get back in the water. when we got home she told me we needed to live closer to the beach---and this morning she slept til 8:30----which is UNHEARD of for this girl. maybe we should move closer to the beach! :) ha!
happy hollow: her buddy weston--he was her best friend on the roller coaster---they rode it several times---and screamed and screamed. she LOVED it!
if you blow this picture up bigger you can see her face---mix of fear and excitement
on the carousel
her other favorite ride which she also rode over and over again with weston.