nova has been begging upon begging to go to dance class. for months. as in, nearly every morning she would ask me, "is today my dance class?" about major hint dropping. i kept putting it off hoping against hope that she would start begging me to buy her a small basketball hoop......however, that never happened. so dan and i discussed it and we decided to let her do it.
next to the money we spent to birth nova, this is the most productive amount of money that we have ever spent on her. and she has been to 1 class. she was literally glowing.
noteworthy items from the morning that i want to remember about her first day at dance class:
*she was standing by the door with her shoes on, jacket and bag ready an hour and a half before it was time to was a long morning.
*we read miss lina's ballerinas 3 times before we left
*we did her hair 5 different times. she kept changing her mind on what ballerina she wanted to look like in the book until finally she decided that she wanted to look like nova the ballerina--she can't stand her hair in a high pony tail or bun.
*she wanted to wear her tights on TOP of her leotard.
*she insisted that she dress in pants on top of all her other layers so she could "change" when we got there.
*she went to the bathroom twice before we walked into her class.......nervous bladder?
*she kept exclaiming over and over, "i can't believe it! its dance class day!"
(this is the best pics i could get before we left and then when we got there. she would not hold still because she was shaking she was so excited.)

wednesdays will definitely be the highlight of this girls week i think. and to top it all off, one of her best friends is in the class.