Wednesday, May 13, 2009


IN CASE YOU CARE: (and since you clicked on the must! :) HA!)

we finished planting our garden....already things have died.....this is not a good beginning....

we got back our family pictures that we took while in jerome.....i am super happy with how it turned out. (its the pic above)

i have committed to running a 10K.....i am super Xcited. (i don't know why i spelled that, that way....probably because i'm cool.)

nova is 10 months. KA-RAZY (this is the only pic i took yesterday on her 10 month birthday....i had such good intentions.

i was more thankful for my mother this past mothers day than last (which i didn't know could be possible.) but now being a mother myself i am eternally grateful for the time, patience and love that my mother put into raising me. if i can become half the woman she is, it will be a miracle. she is so loving and caring and has the capacity to love so much. she is sincere and hard working and is a wonderful support. i also am blessed with an awesome mother in law. she is a great example to me of optimism, and living the gospel. i love them both and i love being a mom to my little nova. i never knew how awesome/hard/fun/rewarding/perfect it would be......and from the looks of this pic, nova didn't know what she was getting into either.

and lastly, i am mad that helen won the biggest loser.....seriously tara? mike? why didn't you pull through for me? grrr....oh, well, they all look great and i cried through the whole thing, while fighting the urge to eat a cookie.


Andersen said...

I love your family pictures. They look so great. When it first came up an AHHHHH came right out.

Margaret said...

Thank you, sweet daughter. I have loved all the years of raising you and your terrific siblings. Enjoy the journey - it ends faster than you can imagine. I love you!!

Cormorant said...

Love the new family pic!