Saturday, December 8, 2012


so alot has happened.....

halloween happened:

including pumpkin patch, pumpkin carving, halloween party and trick or treating.
and i made some festive pillows for the holiday that i may or may not be really happy about. nova helped and it was a fun project.

moving happened, a mile and a half north to save us some pictures...just picture ALOT of boxes and chaos. but we really like where we are at.

shaving griffon's head happened. yep, i said shaving....he was loosing his hair in patches. so while i was amid holiday food preparations dan shaved it.

dan participating in 'mo-vember' happened...and then he just decided to grow a beard....maybe we put griffon's hair on dan's face----we'll never tell.

thanksgiving happened

 cousin camden visited with dave and elisa

 these kids growing happened and is happening....PLEASE SLOW DOWN!!!

 and now christmas is happen-ING and the christmas music video is in the works....and you aren't going to want to miss it!

1 comment:

Margaret said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you for blogging! I love it all!! Such cute kids. The CA sun must agree with them. xoxo