Tuesday, February 3, 2009

disparaging news from a hog...

this little creature + his shadow =


times 6 weeks........BLAH!!!

yesterday i was all miffed because the groundhog saw his shadow and i am SO over winter at this point in the season.....even though the sun seems to be in rebellion of winter right now too because it is GORGEOUS outside right now.....and i. am. loving. it....but according to Phil....it ain't gonna last....

but despite the drab news from the hog who lives in the ground, i could not let it get me down and of course in true suzanne fashion....i celebrated.

the little pic above (is supposed to be a ground hog) was inserted into a grilled cheese sandwich that was painted green with food coloring to give the appearance of a groundhog coming out of the green grass......it looked ridiculous and so i didn't take a picture but dan got a good laugh out of it and so did i. i also hung 6 snowflakes above the table to symbolize the 6 more weeks of winter we must suffer through.......but at least it gives me something to look forward too!

1 comment:

Jackie B. said...

i too am not pleased with the news of more winter! I loved the pics.