Wednesday, August 8, 2012

one of those moms

yep, i am one of those moms. who post multiple pictures of pretty much the same thing just because i can't pick which one i like the best. we have the worlds worst camera--(i am SO grateful i that even have a camera though) but i tried to get some newborn pics the other day. (thanks aunt carmel and marion for the cocoon! we love it!) 

 my little helper
 also, the other day nova started into this tangent that it wasn't fair that we weren't going to disneyland. and she decided to go by herself. we hung up this sign and she took pictures and met all the princesses and hid them throughout the apartment. she was so excited that the next day she made plane tickets and rode the plane to go again. this is a much cheaper option than actually going to disneyland and i am so grateful that she was thrilled with her 'visit.' however, at some point she is going to want the real deal, but i am glad in the meantime she is so easily pleased and has such a clever imagination.

 what a girl!


Heather said...

One of those moms is ok, because we like to see all of the pictures!! So darling!! I love the little cocoon too!

Angie said...

Truly, I think Griff is twice as cute as he was a week ago. I have GOT to see him in real life!!!
Nova's Disneyland idea is rad. How did she think of something so clever? That picture at the end of her with the princesses is adorable. She's sooooo tan!

Olivia said...

My kids want to go to disneyland too. But its just not happening this year or probably the next. Where did you get that huge poster of the princesses. Its awesome. I love Griffin's cocoon. Its so cute. I wish I wasn't so huge I'd take some pictures for you. Maybe I could try anyways. I want to meet him too! I also want to bring by some clothes. Maybe Sat. or next week sometime.