Friday, February 26, 2016

Chemo week 2

Nearly done with week 2!

The week started off really rough. Coming off that heavy week of chemo last week left Dan pretty hammered. Although he felt pretty good all things considered, Sunday night he was feeling pretty low. It didn't help that Griffon got sick, and passed his cold to Dan and both boys were feeling pretty miserable.

Sunday night and Monday were probably the worst of it. He went in for another dose of chemo Monday morning, but also some steroids that help produce white blood cells to help boost his immune system. Chemo attacks all fast growing cells--both good and bad--which makes Dan's immune system pretty much non-existent. The steroid is supposed to help boost his blood count and help him feel better. He looked pretty run down when we entered the clinic Monday but still managed to smile for the nurses, but slept the entire time of his infusion. 

Monday was probably the hardest day for me. It was hard seeing Dan feel so gross for a couple of days and see him looking weak. Although we felt so triumphant and positive that week one had gone so well, on Monday morning when we drove to the clinic, we both talked about how it had been an insanely long week and doing 5 more weeks seemed impossible and daunting. It was a little discouraging to see Dan so low, and feeling like I couldn't really draw a ton of positive energy out of myself either. It kind of reminded me a bit of running a half marathon--you get to about mile 10 and you know that 3 miles isn't really a long way to go, but 3 miles is still 3 miles--and you question if it would be better to just dive off onto the side of the road and call it good. Ha! 

Tuesday was better and it was SO insanely nice to not have to go to the clinic for any actual chemo! Dan had Tuesday- Friday off to recover. By the end of Tuesday he had perked right back up, and Wednesday he went back to work even! He has been at work all week long and although he still feels fatigued, life has seemed pretty normal. He went into the clinic today for lab work, and his blood looks great, and his doctor is thrilled with how well Dan has handled everything, and how well his body is tolerating the treatments. We feel so blessed, and so grateful!

Dan is also expected to start loosing his hair in the next 3-4 days. So, he decided to have some fun with it before it goes. He was going to dye it blue, but didn't want to be bald AND have a blue scalp, so he gave himself a mohawk. I had a minor--he would say major--panic attack when he proclaimed at 9:30 at night he was going to cut it. I made him wait a day to prep myself, and he did it last night. He looks adorably goofy--but I don't hate it. The kids reaction this morning was funny. Nova freaked out---of course---and proclaimed that he didn't look normal, didn't look like her dad, and that next time he does chemo, she doesn't want him to cut it like that before it falls out! (Not planning for a next time--this is a one time deal! Ha!) Griff laughed and told Dan that he didn't want to cut his hair that way because it looked TOO crazy. 

Tender Mercies
*Having a sense of normalcy again!
*More friends and neighbors showing love through stopping by, listening, checking in and even bringing goodies to our house. We have the best of friends!
*Dan felt well enough to attend Sacrament Meeting.
*Dan being able to work so far through everything. He actually was given a blessing when all of this started--even before we knew it he would need chemo that he would be able to work and get all of his work obligations fulfilled even if he wasn't feeling well. We have totally seen that be the case, and feel so grateful.
*We have had so many offers for help and many people helping watch kids while we get where we need to. 
*Dan didn't have a reaction on Monday to the drug that gave him a reaction last week.
*Nova had had a small lesion removed from her mouth a few weeks ago that they had to remove and had sent in to get tested. I was a little worried about getting the results back (I am totally over waiting for pathology and biopsy reports!) but everything came back great and we are so grateful that it was nothing more serious.

Hardest things this week:
*Sunday night and Monday feeling emotionally and physically exhausted. 
*Griffon being sick along with Dan.

Dan goes in for another treatment on Monday and then has Tuesday and Friday off again before he has another heavy week of chemo the following week. Hooray for a weekend that will be better than the last! 

1 comment:

Angie said...

You guys are doing great! This is such a hard thing, and it's one thousand percent okay to feel down and out of positive energy. Keep taking in the love and support everyone - God most of all - is giving you, and give yourself permission to be human and sad. Here's to a better weekend to come!
We saw the mohawk picture you posted online and I showed it to my kids. We loved it! And I agree with Dan - smooth move to not end up with a blue head. So funny the way Nova and Griffon reacted to it, and also funny that you made him give you a 24-hour preparation period beforehand. You guys are the cutest!