Friday, June 5, 2009

zoo, idaho trip and tea party

it seems that i blog to sum up the week. lame......but here goes.

last saturday we went to hogle zoo. it was so fun. i haven't been to the zoo in years. we went with IPAD. (Intermountain PKU and Allied Disorders Assosiation) basically it is an organization that allows dan and i and nova to get together with other families who have children with PKU. it was nice to visit with other mothers who have the same concerns and worries that i do and to get ideas from them. this is one of the first functions they have hosted, so we thought it would be fun to go to the zoo and go to the meeting. BUT, it started late and so nova was pretty beat before it even started, but she still had a good time, but we definitely want to go back when we can be on more of our own schedule. (and i always TAKE my camera....i just don't take very many pics, and half of the ones i take....are not many pics at the zoo.)

nova on the golden tiger.....and nova also experienced a tigers blood sno cone......she loved it and it was hilarious to watch her eat it.

also, nova is now CRAWLING! and she has hair long enough for a very small ponytail! YA!

dan has been in LA this last week and so i decided to go home and help my mom redo her bathroom. BUT, to be brief, (if that is possible for me) we only got the wallpaper off and the walls scrubbed that needed to be painted. but, it was fun to be with my family and i was able to go to lunch with almost all my sisters, run with my sisters, visit, help my mom, and have a tea party! i have been wanting to have a tea party for a long time (.....i know i need to grow up.....) with all the girls in the family. i just want to start traditions for nova so she can have a close bond with her cousins since we don't live very close. so i got some ideas off the internet and we threw a little 'pink partea' we all wore pink, and we had sandwiches with pink rolls, pink jello jigglers, cheese and crackers, pink gold fish, watermelon, pink cupcakes, and pink lemonade. i also found a cute idea to make little bonnets out of paper plates, bowls and ribbon. we all wore feather boas and had lunch. it was fun for the adults, but the most fun for my two nieces. hopefully we can keep the tradition alive so nova will be able to have some fun memories with her and her cousins.

my mom and all the granddaughters

all the lovely ladies with our sweet hats and feather boas

the food table---and i made a cupcake bouquet from a tutorial i saw on ksl's program called studio 5 and it worked better than i thought it would.....which most projects i do are complicated and cause me to want to curse.....but please note, i don't....i just want to.

the partea table

nova and i in our fabulous getup.....that of course stayed on for the picture...barely.


Margaret said...

What a great week and the partea was the best! So glad you could come and we could spend the week together. Nova is such a sweetheart! I'm glad you got back safely and that Dan is back too. Love you all!

Cormorant said...

Love the tea party idea. Very cute. In fact, I just might use some of those ideas for the future...

Andersen said...

That is so fun. I love the color pink so that is my type of thing to do. I hope sometime I can have a tea party with my fam.