Monday, February 23, 2009


lately my blogging has been less than interesting. normally i can think of something clever to write....but not as of late....could be lack of sleep, fighting a family cold, no time, or perhaps i am losing my creative and clever brain cells and i am just not as funny as i thought.......drat. at any rate, here are some pics, perhaps the clever, funny ideas will return soon....

nova and i constantly listen to music all day. she loves it. here is nova and dan dancing before dinner.

nova being polite for the camera......

 more pictures please.....


the ginabean said...

i never stopped believing that you're clever and witty. still haven't, even if you're 'fraid it might be so.

it's not.

nova's. so. cute!

Margaret said...

You sure have a cute dancer! (Oops, 2 cute dancers - Dan too). Don't let her control the photo sessions though. We need to keep the darling pictures coming.

Andersen said...

I love it that is cute. I can't believe your baby is so big now.