Friday, July 18, 2008

growing like papaya

great news! we have weight loss and weight gain! nova was born and weighed 7 lbs 5 oz, then dropped to 7 lbs 3 oz, then dropped to 6 lbs 9 oz and then by wednesday had dropped to 6 lbs 3 oz. we went on a little trip to the doctor today and she is back up to 6 lbs 14 oz! woo hoo! go super nova! it was a much needed boost! she is now on her new formula which is measured with a gram scale and is called "phenex-1" (sounds more like the name of an airplane, not a protein formula, but thats just my opinion......) the doctor said it would help her gain weight and to grow like popeye----i guess he was right. (our doctor is actually from italy and he is a little hard to understand and i thought that he said it would make her grow like eating papaya----i was later informed that i missed that part of the conversation.

as far as weight loss goes, suzanne is also proud to announce that she can see her ankles after missing them for 4 months. not to great of news compared to nova's weight gain, but baby steps right?

also we took a little picture of of our family when suzanne is not in a hospital gown. we both look a little tired, especially nova----its hard to eat, poop, cry and sleep. its a very strict regime and i can't blame her for being pooped-----literally!


Cathy Lott said...

She is beautiful! We are thinking of you. We know she is lucky to have you as parents!

Cathy Lott said...

I don't know why our name says stan amp; has never done that before!!weird

Matt, Stephanie and Hayden Berglind said...

Congratulations! I got your blog info from Heather. Nova is too cute. I am so excited for you guys. Being parents is wonderful!

Margaret said...

Finally home where I can read your blog. Love the pictures but really miss you all and holding that sweet baby. Don't let her change too much before we get back down there to see her!